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Game guide

The page of the in game guide about the cabin

The Cabin is the structure in the center tile of the map in most map variants, except in blackout, where it is in the northwest tile, and the gondola map, where it is in the north tile. The Cabin will warm players up and is a safe haven from being attacked by others in-game, but the fire goes out when the mega-blizzard begins. The cabin has several unique features that make it the most important tile on the map.

Crafting Table

Crafting can be performed at the crafting recipes which is located in the back left corner of the cabin. Crafting is an essential part of game play, the player can make tools and weapons that will greatly expedite the repair of objectives and keep the player safe from animal and traitor attacks. If a player has been exiled from the cabin, they will no longer be able to access crafting for the remainder of the game, or until they are unexiled. There are a number of items and weapons that can be crafted at the Crafting Table, including melee weapons, guns, traps, survival tools, and more. It is one of the most important tools for survivors in the early game.


The Stove is another table to the left of the Crafting Table. Cooking can be performed at the stove, enhancing food to give more health, warmth, and food points back.

Community Chest

Game guide 2

The page of the in game guide about the Cabinsunique interactables

The community chest can be accessed by all players. It has

Cabin Radio

Roles Guide

Exile Vote Console


The fireplace is located directly across from the cabin door. It can be sabotaged by traitors, and will stop heating up the cabin. It can be repaired with wood.



A signpost

Signs are objects that spawn randomly around the map that help to guide lost players by pointing in the direction of the cabin and can be destroyed, yielding two wood, but making it more difficult for players to find the cabin in the event they get lost. The best melee weapon for destroying signs is the axe. These signposts are at the height of their usefulness after the Solar Flare Global Events, as they can provide a general direction for the players to return to the cabin without their minimap.
